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  • Kazuyuki Hashimoto

``Do you remember Clambon?'' Finished.

Tokyo University of the Arts, Department of Design Laboratory 9 (Design Embody) We would like to thank the many people who visited the exhibition organized by volunteers (students and alumni of the laboratory, and faculty members involved with the laboratory).

Although there were still areas for improvement, I believe that the participants learned that there are designers and artists who are involved in a variety of activities. I also had a feeling that being able to interact with other writers and people from different industries would lead to the next thing.

Personally, I hope this can develop into an opportunity to present even bigger works.

I would like to continue to challenge myself to make regular presentations.

In the future, we would like to regularly upload photos, videos, and other reports from the exhibition on the page below.

The laboratory's Instagram has also been released.

We would like to explore various possibilities in the future. Nice to meet you.

Professor Kazuyuki Hashimoto, Department of Design, Tokyo University of the Arts, Laboratory 9


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